Uma curta-metragem portuguesa do dia a dia repetitivo de uma jovem alcoólica. Assistimos à destruição causada no seu psicológico pela dependência enquanto a personagem principal procura saber a origem do problema.
Realizado por:
@ycatarinay (instagram)
@lara442020 (instagram)
A Portuguese short film about the daily life of a young alcoholic. We witness the destruction caused in her psychological by the addiction while the main character seeks to know the source of the problem.
Directed by:
@ycatarinay (instagram)
@lara442020 (instagram)
Realizado por:
@ycatarinay (instagram)
@lara442020 (instagram)
A Portuguese short film about the daily life of a young alcoholic. We witness the destruction caused in her psychological by the addiction while the main character seeks to know the source of the problem.
Directed by:
@ycatarinay (instagram)
@lara442020 (instagram)
- Category
- Portugal Girls